Establishing youth in the scriptures! Click the following links for each week’s content:

Week 1 - 2
Week 3 - 4
Week 5 - 6
Week 7 - 8
Week 9 - 10


To create a safe and simple way to establish youth with a basic understanding of what the Bible teaches and why it matters in our lives.


  • Safe | The youth will feel at ease and comfortable sharing.

  • Simple | Not complex but flexible. Can be built into schedules.

  • Gospel-Centered | To point youth to Jesus as the focus and fulfillment of the scriptures.

  • Parental Involvement | Helping parents to be part of the discipleship process.  


A mature believer is paired with a youth as a mentor for ten weeks. Each week a Bible reading and video are given to the youth and their parent(s). They can do the reading and videos separately but will discuss the reading and videos together at a time convenient for them. At an appointed time, the youth will then have a text conversation with the mentor. Parent(s) should be part of the text string but only as a spectator. They should not interject in the conversations.

A weekly guide is provided for the parents and mentors. It includes the weekly Bible reading, video, and suggested questions for discussion. The general flow of each week will be as follows.

Bible Reading and Video is Completed: Early in Week
The youth should be able to complete the videos and Bible passages within 30 minutes and in some weeks, much less than that. The Bible can be read or listened to.

Parental Conversation: Middle of Week
The youth and parent(s) will have a brief discussion allowing parent(s) to be involved in guiding the youth and in discovering Bible truth with them.  

Text Conversation: Late in Week
The youth and mentor will have a discussion at a set time. This conversation can be as long or as short as is needed but time should be scheduled for it. The conversation will be about the reading and video for that week.  


The curriculum was built for youth ages thirteen to eighteen but can be adjusted to accommodate others. Life Text is flexible, adapting to most schedules. It can be done from anywhere there is internet. It does not require one large block of time. However, as with everything worthwhile, it does require a commitment of time and engagement on the part of the youth and parents.

I believe parents and/or youth willing to commit the time to discover the basic truth of the Bible will find their investment in Life Text to be fun and worthwhile.

 – Daniel Altimus
Life Text Designer


The purpose of the mentor is not to explicitly teach but to facilitate and guide the youth in learning. The mentor will use the medium of texting and questions to create a safe space for the youth to share in an honest and open discussion about the reading and video.

When pairing a mentor and youth, mental and relational safety is a primary consideration. With that in mind, the following should be observed.

  • The mentor should be the same gender as the youth.

  • The mentor should have his/her child clearances before being paired with any youth.

  • The mentor should be a mature believer who knows how to rightly handle the Word of God

  • The mentor should not text the youth without using the text string that the parents are on


During texting conversations, it is important that parent(s) are present and fully aware but remain spectators. This protects everyone so there is less chance for anything to happen which might be inappropriate or sour the experience.  

  • The mentor should not engage in texting with the youth outside of the text string that the parents are on. However, the youth should feel free to use the texting string to ask questions or express thoughts outside of the time set for texting conversation.

  • The parent and mentor may talk outside of the shared text string but keep in mind that if the youth perceives they are being talked about behind their back, it could jeopardize the safety they feel in sharing openly during the texting conversations.

  • Parents should not interject in the texting conversation between the youth and mentor. This rule adds a level of confidence, and independence for the youth and can remove existing tensions or hesitations to share.  

  • Parents should respect their youth’s texting conversation with the mentor. If a youth faces negative feedback, criticism, or retaliation from the parent(s) for what they shared, the youth will no longer engage honestly and openly. If a youth truly expresses something inappropriate, it is best for the parent(s) and mentor to work together to address it.

  • Mentors should text as though they are addressing the youth. Even though parents will be on the texting string, the interaction between mentor and youth is one of sharing back and forth with each other.


Life Text begins when the mentor reaches out via text to the parent(s) and youth to:

  1. Introduce themselves if necessary.

  2. To establish a date when the first week will begin

  3. To establish a day and time when the youth/mentor conversation will occur.

  4. To make sure the parents and youth have access to the Life Text online guides.

  5. To clarify or answer any questions.